Aegwareth’s Wand
The Arch-Druid Aegwareth of Burdley carved the original copy of this wand from wood provided by the trees of Sylvan Glade.
With it, the druid could control powerful storms, bring plants to bloom and full of fruit, and instantly return to the Glade at will. It had one more power, granted by the Great Oak of the Glade herself. It could remove the Curse of the Vampire from even unwilling subjects. These powers were invaluable when the minions of the Grandmaster Vampire Simca loomed over the lands of the Kingdom.
Before the final battle, the United Trees of the Forest (Local 523) helped create several more of these wands to aid Aegwareth and his fellow defenders. Most were lost to the ages, save for the specimens in the Simsonian Institute.
Simsonian Institute Notes
Aegwareth’s Wand: When the wand is in a Sim’s inventory, it can be used to travel to the Sylvan Glade.
The Wand can return the balance of Nature by curing Vampires and Werebies, as well as bring a Sim into true harmony by turning them into a Plant Sim.
It can also instantly bring domesticated plants to bloom, persuade selected animals and pets to become friends with them, and both summon terrible storms and clear them away.
While this item can be used by non-spellcasters with sufficient Sim Lore, it will cause a noticeable loss of the wielder’s energy after using each time.
Golden Idol of Mua Pel’am
The Golden Idol of Mua Pel’am attracts Island Spirits no matter where you are. Do not disappoint them!
Simsonian Institute Notes
Golden Idol of Mua Pel’am: This enigmatic golden statue attracts Island Spirits to the lot if displayed out in the open.
The Idol is also known to react strangely and unexpectedly to being hit by lightning. Stories describe several effects, including the appearance of gemstones, money, and island blessings.
Legends also suggest that it seems to attract far more lightning strikes than one would expect. Almost as if it was attracting lightning itself.
Gloves of Thievery
A single pair of these enchanted gloves were commissioned by the Thieves Guild of Aarbyville during medieval times. When worn, they give the wearer the ability to swipe objects, pick pockets, pick locks, open vaults and disarm traps. They were lost in the mists of the underworld for centuries after they were lost in a card game, along with a nice pair of Excalipaddles.
Rediscovered by the La Cosa Simstra late last century, they “made a deal” with an initially reluctant wizard to replicate them. Eleven pairs of these gloves were purportedly used in the ill-fated Sul Sul Airlines robbery, but were lost shortly thereafter, along with the money and several vintage luxury cars.
Simsonian Institute Notes
Gloves of Thievery: Wearing the gloves will allow the Sim to swipe items and pick pockets like a skillful thief, open door locks to gain entry like a vampire, and crack open even the most secure vault doors.
The Gloves can also disarm the traps in an Omiscan temple and other secret devices.
Hand of Simca
This terrifying artifact is purported to be the mummified Hand of Simca, infamous Lich of the Forgotten Grotto. Severed from his arm by his rebellious servant Chas, it still retains a bit of the powerful magic of its original owner.
The presence of this item in a Sims inventory grants them certain supernatural powers. However, while it will make Evil sims more confident, Good sims will find it uncomfortable to be around.
Beware, it is said that use of the Hand extracts a toll from the user. You may feel somewhat different for a time after you use it.
Simsonian Institute Notes
Hand of Simca: The Hand of Simca gives the holder the ability to teleport as mist and inflict the Mark of Death upon a target.
The Hand can also cause mass fear and panic upon all Sims in the area, although using this power may cause the wielder to become Evil for 24 hours. Good Sims may be driven temporarily insane instead.
Sims can Talk to the Hand to gain Medium and Vampire Lore skills.
This relic is horrifying to behold, and may strike fear into nearby sims if displayed in the open.
While this item can be used by non-spellcasters with sufficient Sim Lore, it will cause a noticeable loss of the wielder’s energy after using each time.
Mountain Village of the Snowy Moon Scroll
The Mountain Monks of Komorebi were famous for their endurance, resistance to foul weather and ability to turn up in unexpected places without being seen.
It is said that by contemplating this ancient scroll, a sim can gain many of the abilities of these ancient practitioners.
Simsonian Institute Notes
Komorebi Mountain Scroll: Formally titled ‘The Mountain Village of the Snowy Moon’, this ancient text describes and teaches the ways of the ancient Komorebi Mountain Monks.
The mysterious Mountain Monks were said to meditate by hiking up and around Mt Komorebi, and were known to be accomplished mountaineers. In fact, Mountain Monks had a reputation for appearing out of nowhere in the most impossible locations. In addition to their legendary endurance, they were also known to practice an ancient healing technique known as Simatsu that could heal the injuries common to all who adventure near the mountain.
Contemplating this scroll is said to provide insight into the powers of the ancient Mountain Monks, such that one can perform many of the same feats, including teleportation and improved endurance.
Relic of St Simbert
When the Lich Simca attacked the Kingdom of Tredony, a humble Peterian priest named Simbert stood before Simca’s undead horde and turned them back with the purity of his soul and his 4 pound stonecutter’s mallet.
After Simbert’s death at the age of 103, his remains were split up and dispersed to the Peterian priesthood as a defense against future vampire attacks. Centuries later, these relics have been scattered and lost.
This relic may make Evil sims uncomfortable in its presence, while other sims feel more secure. Good sims with this relic in their inventory may turn undead away as easily as St Simbert, remove curses, and bestow a contagious blessing upon other sims.
Simsonian Institute Notes
Relic of St Simbert: The Relic can Turn Undead, causing all vampires and ghosts to leave the area.
It can also remove most curses, and provide a target sim with a contagious blessing of the Watcher.
Many of this item’s capabilities can only be used by Good Sims.
While this item can be used by non-spellcasters with sufficient Sim Lore, it will cause a noticeable loss of the wielder’s energy after using each time.
Brave Sir Robin’s Amulet
Sir Robin of Yacothia was the most cowardly Knight in all the realm. To preserve his honor, he had an amulet constructed that drove away all fear and protected him from death for a time.
Sir Robin began to lead a life of valor and daring once he wore the Amulet, though later in life he became famous as a world pie eating champion 5 years in a row. Sir Robin once remarked that the wearing the Amulet made him hungry.
Simsonian Institute Notes
Brave Sir Robin’s Amulet: Provides the wearer with great bravery and dispels almost all fear, as well as protection from death for a time.
Wearing this amulet will cause the Sim to become hungry much faster than normal, and this should be considered before using it.
Six Demon Bag
The Six Demon Bags were made by the ancient Hou Dynasty wizard Jidan Shen to protect Shang Simla from a powerful Vampire.
Lost to the ages, or confiscated by an insurance adjuster, it’s fate has been unclear. The last known copy of The Bag was lost on an excursion to the top of Mt Komorebi.
Blast your enemies with wind, fire, all that kind of thing.
Simsonian Institute Notes
Six Demon Bag: The Six Demon Bag can be used to temporarily envelop several targets in a whirlwind of wind, fire, all that kind of thing.
While this item can be used by non-spellcasters with sufficient Sim Lore, it will cause a noticeable loss of the wielder’s energy after using each time.
Yacothian Armor, +2
The famous Paladins of Medieval Yacothia known as the Order of Jacob’s Sword were known for their smartly tailored steel suits, as well as a complete lack of any sense of humor whatsoever. The Paladins were the backbone of the defense of the Kingdom during the Battle of Windenberg.
To aid them in the Kingdom’s defense, Jacoban priests imbued their armor with the Blessing of the Watcher. This blessing provided the wearer with confidence, reduced their fear, and made them impervious to the most devious powers of Vampires.
Simsonian Institute Notes
Yacothian Blessed Armor, +2: The Paladins of Yacothia were the backbone of the defense of the Kingdom during the Battle of Windenberg. To aid them in the Kingdom’s defense, Jacoban priests imbued their armor with the Blessing of the Watcher.
This blessing provided the wearer with confidence, reduced their fear, and made them impervious to the most devious powers of Vampires.
Wand of Lightning
For as long as Wizards have existed, they have sought to control the forces of nature. One of the earliest forces they bent to their will was lightning, and wands to channel and amplify this power were some of the earliest magical artifacts. They are also one of the most difficult to create, due to the need to bottle a lightning bolt without getting electrocuted.
Simsonian Institute Notes
Wand of Lightning: The owner can Call Lightning on any object or Sim nearby, which will bring a bolt of lightning down to strike the target.
While this item can be used by non-spellcasters with sufficient Sim Lore, it will cause a noticeable loss of the wielder’s energy after using each time.
Wand of Mua Pel’am
Forged from the living lava of an active volcano at the height of the Giant Sloth invasion by a powerful Sulani shaman, the Wand of Mua Pel’am allows the holder to summon meteors at will. Several were made to aid in the defense of the Cordelian throne as part of their mutual defense agreement with the Republic of Sulani.
The effect of The Wand is hinted at in the “Ecclesiastical History of the Simlish People,” by The Venerable Smede, in a quote from a Cordelian locksmith named Vinz Clorsim, “Many a Sloth knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Meteor that day, I can tell you!”
Wand of Mua Pel’am: The Wand can cause the ground beneath your feet to shake and a meteor to strike your enemies from the sky. While this item can be used by non-spellcasters with sufficient Sim Lore, it will cause a noticeable loss of the wielder’s energy after using each time.
Simsonian Institute Notes
Wand of Simca
Forged from the spirits of the underworld by the Grandmaster Vampire Simca, this is the wand the ancient lich was holding when a rebellious servant severed his hand, after their army was finally destroyed in the battle of Yacothia.
In addition to providing immediate transport to the Forgotten Grotto, Simca’s former home, the wand has the unusual ability to wither domesticated plants.
Wand of Simca: The Wand of Simca can teleport a Sim to the Forgotten Grotto. The Wand can also wither domesticated plants and summon a Wraith to stalk another Sim. Using these abilities may cause the wielder to be temporarily overcome by an overwhelming evil. While this item can be used by non-spellcasters with sufficient Sim Lore, it will cause a noticeable loss of the wielder’s energy after using each time.
Simsonian Institute Notes