Creating Custom Spells


I have included both a PDF tutorial and a Tuning Description that will serve as useful guides to create your own spell. Do note though that this tutorial is meant for modders that have previous experience with XML tuning. I presupose familiarity with tuning resources, string tables, and some modding lingo.

File Description
Creating custom spells with the Spellbook Injector.pdf PDF tutorial guide detailing how to use the Spellbook Injector to add new spells to the game
CustomSpells.tdesc Tuning description for the Custom Spells Snippet
SpellbookInjector.tdesc Tuning description for the Spellbook Injector Snippet

Also, on Lot 51’s Tuning Builder site, they’ve helpfully included the documentation for both Custom Spells and Spellbook Injector snippets.

Zer0_ has also written a step-by-step tutorial that is more suitable for beginners. Check it out!

Study these resources and start your own project!

When you release your project, you don’t have to include the Spellbook Injector script with your download. Instead, direct your users to download the latest version from this site, which I will keep updated with upcoming game versions. Users should only have one copy of this mod in their Mods folder, regardless of how many custom spells they are using.